Alpha1 Staffing+Search Firm Hires to Prepare for 2019 Hurricane Season
Hurricane season begins June 1st and Alpha1 Staffing+Search Firm is hiring candidates to work on their relief teams. Alpha1 has disaster relief and recovery contracts with crisis and emergency management firms nationwide and will deploy teams to areas affected by storms. The Miramar-based staffing agency hired and trained more than 500 workers in 2017 and 2018 after hurricanes Irma and Michael ripped through the state of Florida and the Carolinas. “We certainly don’t wish for storms, but it is rewarding to be able to provide local jobs and help neighborhoods return to normalcy after a storm,” said Lauren Kingcade, Alpha1’s Director of Client Services and Talent Acquisition. “We need everyone from project managers to debris monitors to get the job done.”
For information on how to join Alpha1’s disaster relief team for the 2019 hurricane season, call: 855.525.7421 or apply by visiting https://a1s.avionte.com/alpha1-debris.